Saturday, May 1, 2010

Languages Parent Support Group - Languages Soiree`

The LPSG inaugural Languages Soiree` was a wonderful success. It was a great opportunity for parents of Language students to gather together in a relaxed atmosphere and have a chat with each other and the Language teachers. Everyone brought a plate of delicious food to share and savour (yes I had 3 pieces of Andrea's cake but who's counting ?). Thank you to our wonderful staff members who made themselves available for the event, I know our parents appreciated your presence and I certainly did too. Many thanks to our LPSG committee members who planned, organised and coordinated the event, including preparations and clean up afterwards, your passion and dedication inspires me. Merci beaucoup to Jayne Faranda for her exquisite guitar playing (she is such a star !). I love seeing the children of parents and teachers playing together and I know the LPSG has some exciting plans for future events. Please continue to support them and if you would like to be kept informed by being on the mailing list contact our secretary, Sondra Tate at

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