On Friday June 12th, the 2010 GATE Language students and their parents visited MLSHS for our inaugural GATE Day, an opportunity to have a tour of our school and participate in a variety of language learning activities.
The day began with a short assembly in our staff room during which the parents and students were made aware of the nature of our GATE Languages Program. Tours of the school were conducted by our Year 8 Tour Guides and feedback from parents, staff and students indicates that we can be proud of our students as ambassadors for MLSHS. They were articulate, informative and friendly.
After a delicious morning tea in the DCafe provided by Mrs Maserei and her wonderful staff, the students experienced Chinese culture and language in a fun and interactive way. Mr Cheah led the group in Chinese singing with Mrs Chong recording the performances as a podcast. The students loved hearing their voices and trying to keep up with Mr Cheah whose energy and enthusiasm was infectious. Students made their own Jianzi following Mr Cheah's patient guidance and prepared and cooked an assortment of Chinese delicacies with the help of Hui Le. At the completion of the session, the students played with their Jianzi incorporating a variety of physical activities.

After an exquisite lunch, it was time to head to the Pasticceria, Tabaccheria, Libreria and Piazza in Room 10.3 for a session on Italian culture and language. Students prepared Italian postcards, ordered their drinks and pastries in Italian and had a conversation in the Piazza which we filmed.
The MLSHS Gate Languages Program seeks to assist its students to achieve their potential and promotes a wholistic approach to learning. Consequently the 2010 GATE cohort was given the opportunity to use the MacBooks to explore their Multiple Intelligences and conduct research using technology. It was a wonderful day enjoyed by everyone and the feedback was positive with many students commenting that they can’t wait for 2010 to arrive so they can come to MLSHS.

I must commend our Year 8 Tour Guides and Assistants, they were a wonderful endorsement for our school and made us proud with the way they interacted with and collaborated with the Year 7 students and staff. I must also commend the Languages staff that gave up so much valuable time (reports and exams were weighing on us heavily) in order to prepare and conduct the GATE Day. Mr Cheah, Mrs Chong, Mrs Le and Mrs Petale, your energy, effort, enthusiasm and willingness to go the extra mile was simply inspirational. I am sure that all concerned were left with a positive glow in the knowledge that the 2009 MLSHS GATE Day was a resounding success.
Joseph Millimaci