Friday, March 19, 2010

Amazing Alumni - Luana Kilcullen

As part of our Alumni Series, we enjoy hearing from past Language students and how their Language studies at Mount Lawley SHS have influenced their lives. Thank you, anzi grazie mille Luana for sharing your story with our readers.

Hello, my name is Luana.  I am a former student of Mount Lawley Senior High School and graduated in 1981 (a long time ago!)
As a child,  my mother spoke to me in her first language, Croatian.  She did this up until the time I started school.  At that time, children were not encouraged to be bilingual,  so my mother switched to English so that I would not be disadvantaged.  As a result, I soon lost most of what I knew in Croatian.
I had a taste of Italian in year 7 and instantly decided I would continue the language in high school.  It was my favourite subject by far.
At the end of year 11 I was fortunate enough to be chosen as an exchange student to Italy.  That experience was one of the most memorable and exciting  of my life.  I was 16 and had never travelled anywhere outside WA let alone been on an aeroplane!  I spent three months living with a family in a small town in the Lombardy Region (in the north of Italy).  The memories of that time still linger with me today.  Riding a bike to school in the freezing cold,  trying to work out what the teachers were saying as they taught their subjects (in Italian), and doing my classmates English homework for them! Sometimes I got homesick,  but everyday was an adventure and when I returned home I realised just how much my spoken language had improved.  I was saying things in Italian without even thinking.  
When I left school I studied to be a Primary School teacher.  I later married and travelled with my husband to the UK where we lived for 10 years. I taught English to foreign students and absolutely loved the chance to interact with people from other cultures and walks of life.
I continue to attend conversation classes in Italian  because I enjoy it and learning a language is not just about words- it’s about people and communicating and discovering.  
I hope my three children  discover the excitement of learning another language as I did.     

Monday, March 15, 2010

Il Viaggio Di Kian

One of our Year 9 students travelled to Italy with his family during our summer holidays. Below is an account of his adventures. Grazie Kian, we look forward to adding your photos to your article !

Durante le vacanze estive sono andato con la mia famiglia per una vacanza in Italia per sette settimane. Abbiamo viaggiato attorno il centro nord a Roma, Perugia, Assisi, Siena, Firenze, Venezia, Bologna e la citta` antica di Pompeii, prima di attraversare con il traghetto in Sicilia dove ho parenti in un paese vicino a Monte Etna.

A Roma uno dei posti piu` affascinante che abbiamo visto era il Vaticano dove abbiamo visitato la Basilica di San Pietro che dentro aveva due corpi mummificati dei papi. Quando abbiamo finito a guardare le pitture e le statue, noi siamo saliti le 551 scalinate alla cima della cupola della basilica, dove tu puoi vedere per chilometri.

Anche a Roma noi siamo andati al museo nazonale che si chiama ‘crypta balbi’ dove noi abbiamo visto le rovine di una cripta romana e un teatro, questo e` perche` i pallazi erano costruiti sopra i vecchi muri romani.

A Perugia noi abbiamo scoperto la sotterraneo rimani della Rocca Paolina, una fortezza che era costruita sopra le case degli uomini ricchi nel anno 1540, e nei tempi recente la citta era costruita sopra la Rocca e parte della fortezza era distrutta.

Quando siamo andati a Perugia anche abbiamo visitato la famosa fabbrica di Baci Perugina e un museo dove abbiamo imparato la storia della fabbrica, la produzione del cacao e una copia del piu` grande bacio del mondo che era sette metri di circumfrenza, due metri alto e cinquemilanovecentottanta chilogrammi.

Ad Assisi noi abbiamo visitato la chiesa di San Rufino e Santa Chiara, dove c'erano freschi al muro, relique di Santa Chiara e San Francesco, come tunice, oggetti personali, e la crypta di Santa Chiara.

Dopo, noi siamo andati a vedere la basilica di San Francesco, e dentro la basilica ho visto i freschi famosi del pittore famoso Giotto, la basilica anche conteneva la tomba di San Francesco nella chiesa inferiore.

Dopo Assisi noi siamo stati a Siena per due giorni. La, abbiamo visto e salito la Torre dellla Mangia (prende il nome dal primo padrone che si chiamava Mangia Moneta). Anche abbiamo visto il duomo di Siena, che ha un pavimento di mosaici, una statua di Brone di San Giovanni Battista e la libreria piccolomena che conteneva tanti manoscritti di canti gregoriani.

A Firenze, siamo stati in un albergo che dalla finestra si vedeva il duomo di Firenze. La dentro c’era il quadro famoso di Sir John Hawkwood da Paolo Ucello. Alcune statue e quadri del duomo adesso sono nel museo del duomo. Il piu` interessante e affascinante di queste sculture era la Pieta` di Michelangelo.

A Venezia abbiamo scoperto una gelateria favolosa vicino il nostro albergo e ogni giorno abbiamo preso un gelato la'. Anche abbiamo visitato l’isola di Murano dove ho esperto una dimostrazione interessante di vetro. Abbiamo visto la catedrale di San Marco con il punto pavimento come un croce greco e i pavimenti, i muri  ed i soffitti della cupola erano fatti con mosaici.

Da Salerno abbiamo finalmente preso il treno per la Sicilia. Il viaggio ha durato per otto ore ed era un po’ noioso, ma era molto divertente quando siamo andati sul traghetto per attraversare il stretto di Messina perche` era molto ventoso e potevo essere soffiato via dalla barca.

In Sicilia ho esperto le folle del mercato di Catania, i propertari dei negozi che gridano dei loro articoli e l’odore del mercato di pesci.

Abbiamo fatto tante camminate nel paese e nei vicini superfice intorno il paese del mio zio. Siamo stati sul vulcanello di Mojo Alcantere ed il suolo cratere dove tu potevi vedere per chilometri ed i rovini di una abbazia. Anche siamo andati un po` sul Mt. Etna dove abbiamo giocato sulla neve per un po` di tempo perche` era molto freddo (due gradi meno di zero) ed era ventoso.

Dopo natale siamo stati per tre giorni sulle isole Eolie. A Lipari ho raccolto pezzi d’ obsidiana e sono salito al punto piu` alto sull’ isola (secento metri) dove tu potevi vedere Mt. Etna sulla terraferma di Sicilia ed alcumi altre isole.

A Vulcano siamo saliti il Grand Cratere con il sole che batteva sulle nostre schiene per tutto il tempo. Quando siamo arrivati alla chima di Vulcano dove si poteva vedere il fumo che usciva dalla cratere ed i cristalli gialli di zolfo. Anche abbiamo fatto un barzio sulle spiaggie con termi di zolfo ed un brangio di fango ed i nostri costumi di bagno anche puzzavano tre settimane dopo.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Martina Veit - German Assistant 2010

My name is Martina Veit and I am the German language assistant at Mount Lawley Senior High School for the year 2010. My hometown, Villingen-Schwenningen, is in the southwest of Germany just at the edge of the Black Forest. however, for the last five years, I have been living in Konstanz which is located at the lake of Constance, directly at the border to Switzerland. This area is very beautiful because you can swim in the lake on hot summer days and you can also ski in the Swiss Alps in winter, because it only takes you about an hour or two to go there.

For the past five years I have been studying English and Mathematics at the University of Konstanz in order to become a teacher of these subjects. When I return to Germany in December 2010, I will continue my teacher education at a secondary high school and it will take me another 1.5 years until I will finally be a fully qualified teacher. Therefore, I am very happy that I can spend this year in Australia in between my studies and future career in Germany. It is not only a good opportunity to gain more experience in teaching, but also to explore the country and get a real insight in the Australian way of life.

Mein Name ist Martina Veit und ich bin die deutsche Fremdsprachenassistentin an der Mount Lawley Senior High School für das Jahr 2010. Meine Heimatstadt Villingen-Schwenningen liegt im Südwesten Deutschlands, am Rand des Schwarzwalds. In den letzten fünf Jahren habe ich jedoch in Konstanz gelebt. Das ist am Bodensee, direkt an der schweizer Grenze. Diese Gegend ist besonders schön, da man an heißen Sommertagen im See schwimmen und im Winter in den schweizer Alpen skifahren kann. Es dauert nämlich nur ein bis zwei Stunden um dorthin zu kommen.

In den letzten fünf Jahren habe ich Englisch und Mathematik auf Lehramt an der Universität Konstanz studiert. Wenn ich im Dezember 2010 nach Deutschland zurückkehre, werde ich meine Referendariat an einem Gymnasium beginnen und es wird dann noch weitere 1,5 Jahre dauern bis ich schließlich eine voll qualifizierte Lehrerin bin. Deshalb bin ich sehr froh darüber, dass ich das Jahr zwischen meinem Studium und meinem zukünftigen Job hier in Australien verbringen kann. Es ist nicht nur eine gute Möglichkeit um mehr Erfahrung im Unterrichten zu sammeln, sondern auch um das Land zu erkunden und einen echten Einblick in den australischen Lebensstil zu bekommen.    

Friday, March 12, 2010

Gifted and Talented Parent Presentation

On Wednesday 10th March Mount Lawley Senior High School hosted a parent information evening for prospective students wishing to apply for the Gifted and Talented Languages Program at our school. Parents were shown videos and images of the elements that make our school such a vibrant and exciting place to study languages. 

Our Principal Stephen Spice spoke about our considerable achievements over the past year, our Associate Principal Bev Burnside spoke about the benefits of our Middle School environment, the Languages LAL Joseph Millimaci spoke about the Gifted and Talented Program but our stars on the night were Jordan Caffery and Sophie Prober who spoke about a student's perspective of the GATE Languages Program and the value of an exchange experience. I'd like to thank all those involved including our award winning school chaplain who creates such wonderful Keynote presentations, Suzi Barnes our indefatigable Publicity Officer and the parent helpers who assisted with set up and pack down. We'd also like to thank the parents of the prospective applicants for taking the time to come along and find out more about our programs as they consider their children's future educational pathways. A reminder that applications close noon on Monday 15th March. You can apply online, simply visit the Gifted and Talented site at:

Living Your Languages

One of the best ways to "live your language" is by hosting an exchange student. Consider the immersion opportunities. Every day you get to practise your language skills in a listening and speaking context. You have a live resource to assist you with writing and reading elements of your language learning. You get to learn from your host brother or sister about the culture of their country. You build a lasting relationship that extends your family. You have all read about the positive experiences our students have had with their exchange programs. Please consider the opportunity presented through Nacel as a way to "live your language".

Nacel Australia Pty Ltd
08 9386 2500

Nacel Australia is calling for host families.

We are currently taking applications from France for short term students arriving into Perth from Friday 16 July – Friday 13 August (student tour from 8 – 12 August).

The visiting student will ideally have a host brother or sister who they can attend school with each day, however this is not paramount as immersing themselves into an Australian family is the aim of the program. This is a fabulous opportunity for your children to develop new friendships and to learn about another culture.

Host families receive a stipend of $240.00 per week to host their student.

Please contact Suzanne Tischler on 9386 2500 or to register your interest.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Languages For Life

Learning Languages at Mount Lawley is about starting on a journey that takes you beyond your expectations and provides you with experiences that can enrich your life not just while you are at school, but beyond the end of your school days, that's why we promote our programs as Languages For Life. It is with great pleasure that I post a message I received from Ellie, a Year 12 student that completed her schooling last year and is now living her dream. Auguroni Ellie, we are all very proud and happy for you. Thank you for sharing your great news with us and please keep us informed of your many adventures. Ellie is now living with her host family in Italy, a prime example that a host relationship can end up binding two families from different cultures and countries per la vita !

Ciao Signor Millo!

I can only imagine how busy you are with the start of term with all the fresh new faces and brains that need filling with linguistic knowledge, but I thought I'd take the time to send you a quick email.

I am writing to you from the beautiful land of Italy. I came early February and will be here till the end of June. I have been helping my host mother in her shop and even got some snow! And now beginning to get a taste of the weather of Marzo Pazzo (half hot, half cold).

So seeing as it was you who started me off on my Italian journey (The path taken.. thankfully) I thought I would give you an update to where life is taking me now, as so many times in class we had to describe 'cosa vorrei fare l'anno prossimo'... lol

Allora dopo il TEE, ho fatto domanda a Curtin, e mi hanno accettato, il corso che ho scelto si chiama 'Bachelor of Arts: Mass Communications, Film and TV.' Cosi, seguirò una cariera nella 'media', giornalsimo o presentatrice, queste sono le cose che mi interessano. Communque I accepted and defered my offer for l'anno prossimo, e sono venuta qui in Italia per 5 mesi a lavorare e imparare meglio italiano, e sopratutto per vivere una fantastica esperienza, poi quando torno in Australia, Amanda verrà con me, e lei resta per 2 mesi.

When you all arrive on the school tour I would love to come and catch up with you all, around Rome maybe or however it works out, with Amanda of course and hopefully the other exchange students.

I hope this doesnt end up on the ever famous whiteboard in class, if it does.. Hellooo Mount Lawley kids... Listen to Mr. Millimaci and be good! Like me :)

Salutami tutti

Un bacio a tutti


PS. my host brother is in Sicily now In Gita, and says its beautiful!!!