Monday, October 18, 2010

Elena - Studentessa Di Scambio

Ciao a tutti!

Sono Elena, una studentessa di scambio, e vengo dall’Italia. La cittá da cui provengo si chiama Trento e si trova a nord, vicino al confine con l’Austria.

Trento ha una popolazione di 100 mila abitanti ed é situata sulla riva del fiume Adige. É circondata dalle montagne, che in inverno vengono coperte dalla neve, certe volte anche la cittá.

Ho 17 anni e frequento il liceo scientifico della mia cittá. Nel pomeriggio suono il clarinetto in conservatorio e pratico sport. In inverno mi piace sciare, visto che abito molto vicino alle montagne.

Sono molto contenta di avere avuto la possibilitá di venire qui in Australia, paese stupendo sia per la sua fantastica natura, sia per le persone che lo abitano. Ho scelto di venire per poter conoscere una cultura nuova e abitudini diverse dalle mie. Mi ha molto colpito la presenza di persone da tutto il mondo, che fanno questo paese veramente multiculturale, con le piú varie abitudini alimentari.

Staró qui per cinque mesi e spero di divertirmi il piú possible!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Gong Xi To Our Chinese Competition Winners !

Chinese Language Teachers' Association Speaking Competition 2010

On Saturday 11th September,  five Mount Lawley Chinese students participated in the Chinese Speaking Competition. Aaron O'Neil (Year 8) won first prize, Sarah Van Halen (Year 8) won fifth prize, Oliver Logan (Year 9) won fifth prize and Matt Parry (Year 10) won fourth prize. Each student competed in the category of their year group. Parents, teachers and of course the students themselves should be very proud of the efforts and achievements they demonstrated in the competition. I saw how much dedication and motivation you all put into this and I am very happy with your results, gong xi ! We have some very talented Language students with a wonderful future ahead of them and it is a credit to their parents and teachers for the support and encouragement they offer but especially to the participants for their willingness to work hard. I congratulate all our competitors and advise them to enter again in 2011. It is a pleasure to have them represent our school. They demonstrate that when you are prepared to work hard, there is nothing you cannot achieve. Keep up the great work. You epitomise our motto, "Languages For Life."

Chinese Language Teachers' Association Writing Competition 2010

Gong xi to Henry Lam for winning first prize, Jayde Wilson for winning second prize and Maddy Dennis for winning fourth prize in the Year 8 category. You should be very proud of your efforts, the work you produced is outstanding.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Evviva La Tecnologia !!!

Hooray for the magnificent Macbooks ! Our Year 8 GATE Italian students really enjoy using them in our language classes. Each student is creating a blog to publish their Italian writing. We used the interactive whiteboard to demonstrate how to utilise online technology to enrich their language learning experiences. An ability to adapt information and communication technologies into our classroom learning is an important component of our GATE language classes.

Native Speakers Program

Speaking and having conversations is an integral component of the language learning process. Through the Department's Native Speaker Program, the teachers of our five languages organise for school community members that are native speakers of each language to visit our language classrooms and have conversations in the target language on the topics our students are currently studying.  Thank you to all our native speakers for the wonderful work they do enriching our students' linguistic landscape and providing multicultural perspectives on our global community.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Arrivano I Tiranesi !!!

The students from our sister school L'Istituto Pinchetti in Tirano Italy have departed for our shores to complete the reciprocal component of our sister school arrangement. They have created a blog to track their progress, located at:

The adventure begins ! (again...) Here's their first post:

Scambio con l’Australia

agosto 21st, 2010
Giovedì 26 agosto inizia la seconda fase dello scambio con l’Australia che vedrà impegnati un gruppo di studenti del nostro Istituto.
Il blog della scuola sarà il modo più semplice per rimanere in contatto con gli altri studenti, con le famiglie, con gli insegnanti e tutto il personale della scuola.
Istruzioni per gli studenti coinvolti nello scambio.
Prima di partire provvedete a registrare il vostro account, ricordandovi di usare una e-mail valida alla quale saranno inviati i dati per l’accesso. Una volta effettuata l’iscrizione e verificata mediante un primo accesso, comunicando al gestore del blog la vostra registrazione verrete abilitati a scrivere gli articoli e a inserire le immagini nel blog.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

French Language Assistant - Joelle

We are very pleased to have Joelle with us from Belgium. She is our French Language Assistant and she is helping our students in so many ways. Thank you so much to Sondra Tate's family for hosting Joelle during her stay at Mount Lawley. Without parental support such as this many of the extras we offer our students would not be possible. Merci bien Sondra, ta famille et naturellement Joelle.

Hi everyone,

My name’s Joelle and I’m from Belgium, not very far from Brussels. I arrived the 16th July in Perth where I’m going to spend 2 months teaching French at Mount Lawley Senior High School. I’m very happy to share the aussie everyday life with my host family, Sondra and Michael Tate and their children.

This term I’m helping years 8 to 10 to improve on their French. As a native speaker, it’s a real pleasure to share my mother tongue and my cultural background with the students.

French is an important language and it’s a real challenge to teach it. As a teacher, you need to use all kinds of tricks to make students understand how important it is to be able to communicate in an appropriate way.

Being at MLSHS is an opportunity for me to learn different ways of teaching and that’s just fantastic!

I’d like to thank everyone for their help and their kindness.

Joelle Poelman.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Car Rally - Languages Parent Support Group

Thank you so much to Sondra Tate and the LPSG parents who planned, organised and coordinated the inaugural LawleyLanguage Car Rally. Congratulations to the Shilkin family (Lily Year 8 GATE Italian) who were the winners for 2010 ! Merci beaucoup to our Languages Assistant, Joelle who placed photos on Picasa. I have placed the links below. We have a wonderful school community that provides our students and families with fantastic opportunities to explore, share and enrich their lives with language and culture. Thank you again to Sondra for organising t-shirts for the GATE Language students, the P&C for financing them, Nic Beames for the logo and Michael Camilleri for allowing the students to wear them during Languages Week. As you can see below, they look fantastic, Languages for Life !

On Sunday 1st August the MLSHS Languages Parent Support Group held their first Car Rally Fundraiser Event. We perhaps should have checked to see if anyone had a fear of popping balloons before we started but we weren’t to know.  The weather was perfect as
our excited crowd set out with their list of instructions (which they should have read first) and collection bag (one handful of sand would have been plenty!). They struggled with ominous directions and overly enthusiastic family members to answer questions along the way such as “what is the colour of the slide in the next playground” or “what is the colour of the letterbox at No. 72?”.  One Mintie in the bag either caused an argument or was silently eaten to avoid one. (The argument started later).  There was an out of car excursion or two to stretch the legs and collect various items (a piece of limestone for example) and afterwards we enjoyed a picnic on the lawn in Kings Park overlooking our beautiful city.  The cars all finished well within the two hours we anticipated with the exception of a few who either ended up in Quinns or the City or somewhere that is still in question as this is written.  They were given up for lost until we received a call (as we were all starting to depart) announcing their arrival.  (They couldn’t stay for lunch anyway…whew! ). Ten out of ten for finishing you two (you know who you are!). Many thanks to all who participated and we look forward to seeing you and other enthusiasts again next year. 

Vous êtes invité à voir l'album photo de poelman joelle intitulé : car rallye 1st August Mount Lawley

car rallye 1st August Mount Lawley
1 août 2010
de poelman joelle 

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LawleyLanguages Week

Wow ! What a week it's been. Thanks to our wonderful Languages Parent Support Group, our students have had tasty treats available every day of the week at Lunch 1. Monday it was Chinese Day and we had beautiful Baozi, Tuesday it was Indonesian Day and we had sizzling spring rolls, Wednesday we had French Day and you could eat exciting eclairs, Thursday was Italian Day and we had some gorgeous gelati and finally it was Friday and gourmet German cakes were on offer. Grazie, xie xie, merci beaucoup, terima kasih, danke shon to our wonderful parents who volunteered their time and their expertise to help make our school community a place where languages are a living entity.

Thank you also to our Language Teachers for planning, organising and coordinating excursions including the Language Film Festival and visits to restaurants so our students could experience even more of the culture they are studying. These activities are an integral component of our Language program and make languages come alive. They were also an opportunity for all our students to spend time getting to know our visiting exchange students from China and Italy and France.

Enjoy the photos and the memories !