Sunday, March 7, 2010

Languages For Life

Learning Languages at Mount Lawley is about starting on a journey that takes you beyond your expectations and provides you with experiences that can enrich your life not just while you are at school, but beyond the end of your school days, that's why we promote our programs as Languages For Life. It is with great pleasure that I post a message I received from Ellie, a Year 12 student that completed her schooling last year and is now living her dream. Auguroni Ellie, we are all very proud and happy for you. Thank you for sharing your great news with us and please keep us informed of your many adventures. Ellie is now living with her host family in Italy, a prime example that a host relationship can end up binding two families from different cultures and countries per la vita !

Ciao Signor Millo!

I can only imagine how busy you are with the start of term with all the fresh new faces and brains that need filling with linguistic knowledge, but I thought I'd take the time to send you a quick email.

I am writing to you from the beautiful land of Italy. I came early February and will be here till the end of June. I have been helping my host mother in her shop and even got some snow! And now beginning to get a taste of the weather of Marzo Pazzo (half hot, half cold).

So seeing as it was you who started me off on my Italian journey (The path taken.. thankfully) I thought I would give you an update to where life is taking me now, as so many times in class we had to describe 'cosa vorrei fare l'anno prossimo'... lol

Allora dopo il TEE, ho fatto domanda a Curtin, e mi hanno accettato, il corso che ho scelto si chiama 'Bachelor of Arts: Mass Communications, Film and TV.' Cosi, seguirò una cariera nella 'media', giornalsimo o presentatrice, queste sono le cose che mi interessano. Communque I accepted and defered my offer for l'anno prossimo, e sono venuta qui in Italia per 5 mesi a lavorare e imparare meglio italiano, e sopratutto per vivere una fantastica esperienza, poi quando torno in Australia, Amanda verrà con me, e lei resta per 2 mesi.

When you all arrive on the school tour I would love to come and catch up with you all, around Rome maybe or however it works out, with Amanda of course and hopefully the other exchange students.

I hope this doesnt end up on the ever famous whiteboard in class, if it does.. Hellooo Mount Lawley kids... Listen to Mr. Millimaci and be good! Like me :)

Salutami tutti

Un bacio a tutti


PS. my host brother is in Sicily now In Gita, and says its beautiful!!!

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